Dr. Claudia Weber, an environmental engineer for the U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern, explains to visitors a modified bunker used as a winter getaway for bats Wednesday in Miesau. Weber, in conjunction with the German forest department, ... Of the 13 World War II-era bunkers, three have been converted into a type of bat hotel as part of a joint project between Army public works and local German forestry officials. After the idea was floated more than 10 years ago that ...
Nu e vorba de banii mei sau ai directorilor, ci de bani pentri intretinerea, reabilitarea, modernizarea si reparatii capitale pentru reteaua de drumuri publice", a afirmat Orban, citat de NewsIn. Ministerul Transporturilor sustine ca ...
I still haven't quite figured it all out yet. Hey, it's only been a month since I've been here. I have some time! That was my Sunday....enjoy. Landau in der Pfalz hotels Slideshow Print this entry Share ...